Sunday, June 17, 2012

Safety Not Guaranteed

Today, for the first time ever, I went to the movies by myself. This was sort of a big deal for me, since I never ever do anything alone. I don't know, something about doing things alone seems so...lonely!

Since no one was around to entertain me today (Max's is doing his Father's Day thing, Jacks is off in Albany, GA for an internship, etc), I decided to finally give going to the movies solo a whirl. So, I drove to UA Tara, bought myself a small popcorn and threw handfuls of Junior Mints into it and watched Safety Not Guaranteed (Big Duplass Bros fan here). It was perfect, who knew? I think I'll have to do this more often!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Every Night

I've been listening to this non-stop. Enjoy!